Dental implants can be the right treatment for your smile if you are missing one or more permanent teeth. Implants can secure single dental crowns, dental bridges, or dentures so that you can replace single missing teeth or all of the teeth in your smile. Replacing lost or missing permanent teeth with dental implants in our Fullerton, CA, dental office restores the full form and function of the smile. Here, you can learn more about dental implants and their many benefits for patients with missing teeth.
The Benefits of Dental Implants in Fullerton, CA
Implants benefit patients with one or more missing teeth. Even one missing permanent tooth can create problems, including difficulty eating, bone loss, and embarrassing gaps in the smile. Receiving dental implants can:
Improve the Smile’s Aesthetics
Replacing gaps in the smile with implant-secured restorations improves the smile’s appearance. We create false teeth or restorations secured by implants that look and feel like natural teeth. Creating crowns, dental bridges, or dentures with porcelain materials ensures that restorations match the color and shape of natural teeth. These restorations also blend in with teeth if patients still have some remaining teeth.
Reverse Bone Loss
Once you lose a permanent tooth, you can experience further bone loss in the jaw bone. Once the jawbone no longer has a healthy tooth root, patients can experience jaw recession. Bone loss in the jaw can create problems like facial sagging, which occurs when patients lose the jaw bone tissue that creates their facial structure. When we replace missing teeth with dental implants, we reverse facial sagging and support healthy bone.
Improve The Bite
Restorations like traditional dentures lay on top of the gums and often use adhesive to stay in place. Removable dentures can easily slip around the mouth, making it difficult for patients to eat hard or crunchy foods. When dental implants replace teeth at the root, they create a stable foundation for false teeth. Patients who receive implants will find eating the foods they love without restrictions simpler.
Have a High Success Rate
Dental implants have a success rate of 95%. We ensure that patients have good oral health and sufficient bone tissue before implant surgery. Our team also ensures that patients refrain from smoking or using tobacco products to prevent complications during healing. Proper planning for implant treatment is reflected in this high success rate. Once the implant posts are fully healed, and we attach the permanent restorations, they will feel like natural teeth.
Do you have one or more missing permanent teeth? Are you interested in dental implant treatment? Contact Fullerton Craft Smiles today at (714) 888-7008. You may also request a dental appointment with Dr. Kush Patel online. Learn more about the benefits of implants in our office.